Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

F the GF at Red Rooster Harlem

I try to be gluten, dairy, sugar and most alcohols free. If I’m not, my body beats the crap out of me. But sometimes the beating is worth it. So when the waitress at Marcus Samuelsson’s Red Rooster Harlem asked us if there were any food restrictions, I sweetly looked up into her face and said, “Nope. Not here.”

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Family is an ‘F’ Word

‘Family’ is most certainly the ‘F’ word. Fierce. Freakish. Fantasmagoric. (Look it up.) Fun. And yes, the word you immediately thought of as well.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Phishing for Bliss

In all of my excitement and anticipation at sharing the magic of a night under the stars dancing amidst hundreds of ecstatic people I lost sight of one key factor: my 12 year old can’t do concerts.

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