The Farm Girl Continues?
Something interesting happened to me today. Yesterday my husband discovered @mountainfeedandfarm and returned to tell me, “They somehow knew you were coming and they made a store about you.” So when we showed up today I was skeptical. Really? A whole store? When I had to hold back actual tears standing in the beekeeping section, I knew he was right.
Mountain Feed and Farm Supply, Ben Lomond, CA
I mean, I love a good garden store. And just try to drag me out of the canning section of Ace Hardware, but holy shit. This wasn’t a simple garden store or hardware store or feed store. The was the Wendell Berry of retail locations. I mean for God’s sake they were hydroponically growing beets. HYDROPONIC BEETS I TELL YOU!
I teared up looking at hive boxes. I had chills looking at their yogurt making supplies. But when I heard the peeping from a building away I had to make sure no one was around to see me break down.
Some of my best work was in NY when we were raising chicks, milking cows, tending bees and growing everything from sunflowers to sun golds. We tapped maple trees and made syrup. And beer. Fantastic, award-winning beer. Life was simple and our kids were little. God, I miss it so much.
@heyitsbriancook found me sniffling by the fermented section and asked if this is what we need to return to. We’ll be 50 this year and at some point you need to choose. I don’t know what comes next, but I’m incredibly proud of what we built before.