Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Saying Goodbye

I’m typing this on the first desktop computer I’ve owned since the 90’s, on a desk stocked with Uni Ball pens and my glitter collection, in my very own office with my very own door. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for months.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

The Farm Girl Continues?

Yesterday my husband discovered @mountainfeedandfarm. “They somehow knew you were coming and they made a store about you, ” he said. I was skeptical. Really? A whole store? When I had to hold back actual tears standing in the beekeeping section, I knew he was right.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Breathing in Convict Lake

This place. It forces me to breathe. In my little sea level life I take sips of air, just enough to move forward, get me to my next target. But not this place.

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