Change and Change Again

"Change. Change again. And when you think you've gotten it down, start all over. Keep changing."

— The Universe

This weekend we tore out our gardens. I harvested every last pepper, cucumber (there were another 2 dozen!), bean, and potato. I yanked out thriving mint, parsley and basil. But it wasn't until I tore out the flowering butternut squash and the watermelon vine with the newly formed babies that I started to cry.


This fertile ground of frustration that flowered into moments of peace, of connection to my youth and my dad, that surprised me with talents I didn't know I had (carrots? beets? onions? WATERMELON?!? So proud.) is gone. There is a strong likelihood that we have to move. Again. In a pandemic. Because that's what happens in 2020. You scramble your way to a comfortable seat amongst the slippery rocks, the tide shifts, and you're left treading water and looking for land once again. I'm frustrated but grateful for the lessons, the joy and OMG the food. I'll make my way to the shore once again. And when I get there, I'll be looking for the spot with the best soil and the most sun.

#cookcovidadventures2020 #gardenlife


Breathless in the Woods


Mushrooms and White Rabbits