Enter the Magic

If yesterday was The Universe telling me everything would be okay, today was about reminding me what I’d forgotten. Nothing heals more quickly than Nature (yes, that is an on-purpose capital ‘N’), and the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens is the Mayo Clinic for the soul. Two hundred and fifty acres of manicured gardens (rose, meditation), natural landscapes, and the ocean. I gasped just pulling into the driveway (this was an unscheduled stop divined by my hero of a husband) and giggled like a kid buying our tickets. Walking the carved stone and gravel paths through whispering pines and past famous trolls, I remembered what The Universe wanted to show me. Magic. I’d lost my connection to the magic. I was fighting so hard to beat back the suffering and the pain, to keep the monsters at bay, that I had forgotten to keep myself connected to all that is mysterious and otherworldly. I was too busy protecting and surviving to make space for healing and creating. So that’s what I’m going to do. There will always be pain in the world. I can’t stop that. But I can connect back into the microcosm that is Me (yes, on purpose capital) and fill the world with glitter and magic.


Fire Through Dry Grass


I See You