Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Time, Change and Death

This year has taken me to places I did not want to go. It has been like a traffic jam of loss, in a world that seems to be delicately balanced on the head of a pin. I have had many conversations with the three siblings: Time, Change and Death. Some nights they insist on talking all night and won’t let me sleep.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook


You left the party. You said you’d be right back, but I could tell you needed to go. It’s ok. I know you wanted to stay and dance all night with us, but you had to get going.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

You Can Do This

Unlike the finger-caught-in-the-door surprise that’s waiting for us all the time and is never to be outrun, life also offers bits of healing through beauty, nature, friendship, Spirit. But this you’ve gotta work for. No one accidentally trips into a walk in the woods.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

Enter the Magic

Walking the carved stone and gravel paths through whispering pines and past famous trolls, I remembered what The Universe was showing me. Magic. I’d lost my connection to the magic.

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Mikko Cook Mikko Cook

I See You

So here’s me, standing in the crisp air of a Maine fall morning, poking about the sweetest farmer’s market known to man, proud to be standing upright, when a man turned to me. “Hey! It’s you!” he said, smile expanding. “Wow! I’m so glad to see you!” I had never seen this man before in my life.

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